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Post graduate studies

How I mentioned in others blog post, I studiying journalism in the University of Chile, but my post graduate studies don’t follow this line. The route that I will follow is related to others discipline very diferent to the journalism, the gastronomy.

On my life, always wanted closer to this world, I cook in my house, in the familiar meetings or in all ocassion that I can. But, in hour of take my decision, with my PSU score on hand, had take this option firstly for economics themes.

Is for this things that, in this ocassion I will take the option most important for me, follow to things that passion me.

In first place, I have to finish my tesis proyect and defense of this, all this process its very complicated for me, on one hand, I don´t like so much the journalism, I see this career only that one tool to express myself. but on the other side, it’s a proyect linked with the gastronomy.

In Second place, and finally I will take one time for orgarnize all things that I have prepare for take this option. Things like, where to study (country, city, school, etc.), the line that I will follow, the necesary tools for join study grastronomy, and others necesary things.
All this form part of my proyect postgraduate studies.
