I am living in Santiago, the capital city of Chile.
Normally, here we have a “Mediterranean” weather, but this thing don´t reflect
a really. In first place, the seasons are very marked and diferent each other, but
all seansons have a days that don´t be appropriate to the common.
In summer, the days are very hot, shinning the sun and all
peopple have to put on suncream; in the autumn, the leaves fall, the temperature
drop and we can use jacket for to be more warm; In the winter, the temperature drops
even more, the rain is very intensive, the streets hold up with the first big
rain of the year –yes, this is Chile--, and if you don´t are good warm, the
cold climate go in your bones; finally is come the spring, the worst season for
me. Even though this season it´s very beautiful, it´s very advisable for the
bees, have much colours presents in nature, etc. BUT! I’am a very alergic
persons, that is has being sick all season. I have take a pills all days, I
can´t be without confort one day and I can´t go to Street in the worst days,
with much pollen.
In general weather in Santiago is very marked and changing
at the same time. For example, today is a day very cold, yesterday the rain flooded
the city and in citys like Rancagua hail fell down, but… ¡we are in spring!
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