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The things that i would change of my career

How i sayed in others posts, I studying journalism in the University of Chile, I am finishing the fifth year of the career, my last year and semester of the career. With this I mean that I know all stages that one student have to pass in five years.
In five years, i can see a lot things that help to know the functioning of the administration, but also of how is it structured the curriculum map of journalism in the “best” university of the our country.
On one hand, this career it is very long and have a lot courses that don´t add news things to our knowledge and this thing is a Little repetitive in a some cases. On the other hand, something that really have to change in our Institute of the Comunication e Image (ICEI), this thing has to do with one integral formation of the journalist that graduate in this place. ICEI don´t form journalist with one integral thought, subjects like history, economy, culture, arts and tecnology, among others, are themes that be left to the academic curriculim map, and are very necesary for to form qualified professionals.
In the last four years, the academic curriculum map of journalism has changed in three occasions and it has been added a lot things that i say in the previous paragraph, but, according to my point of view, still not achieved a correct functioning inside of our intitute. This have to change.
