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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

The next summer holidays

In the next summer holidays, I would want to visit to my friend and partner of career Iván Sandoval. He live in Punta Arenas, a very austral country of Chile. Along of the five year of the career, Iván, always talk about your land, about very beautiful landscapes, the simplicity of the local people, and others things, but what interests me most (apart from travel with my friend, of course), It's when he talk about his grandmother food. This things it’s of my interest because, is a local and patrimonial food, techniques and ingredients used for the local people since all times and that changed with the pass of time.   But, on the bother hand, I don't like a lot the cold weather, and in this place, Punta Arenas, is one of the southern most cities of a world, therefore, if I want go to this city, I have to wear very warm clothes for to not get cold, besides the winds that run to hundreds of kilometers.   In this travel, also they joined a lot others friends o

The best holidays

The vacations is the best time of the year, if I want, I can sleep until late, I can travel, I can take a rest in any moment of the day, and a lot things more. Always I liked the vacations. But, the best vacations are the last, summer of 2017, in this location I travelled to the South American country Brazil, I can meet places like, Buzios, Río do Janeiro and Paraty, but definitely the last, is the best place where I've been in my life, its very beautiful, the weather is perfect, the local persons are very happy and sympathetic.   In this travel and in this place, Paraty, i can say that I was very happy, since the beers nights, until the bicycle rides, all things was are fantastic, but the biggest attraction is the fact that the sea enters for the streets in the nights of a full moon, filling the streets with water and leaving only sidewalk for walking. Definitely I would come back to this place.

A country I would like to visit

Travel is one of the things that I like the most, I can know news cultures, eat the local food, walking in the unknown places or learn new lenguages, it is very attractive for any person. But for me, it`s all that I want to do. I travelled for some countrys, in Latin America or Europe, I visited countrys like Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, France, Portugal and Holland, and others. But, definitely, the zone that I want to meet is the continent asiatic, in particular Tailand. I think that this place have a lot places attractive related with the millenaries cultures, have a good weather, is near to the others country that interest me, and especially I want to meet the local gastronomy. For now, I only have left wait for have to money necessary for travel to this place, learn about this culture what i can most and bring some of that to our country.

English lenguage challenges

In our country exist english classes in all levels of education, and with the pass of time the dificulty is increasing. But, in the last two years was different to previus years, because in this time I learned a lot more that the others. I don’t know why, but the sistem of write in ours blogs is very effective for me, never I did good the tests or exámens in this matter, neither I was bad in the school, but simply I didn´t like study for English, until two years ago. In this level I learned a lot new things, how never I put attention, all was new in this period, and despite sometimes still I need help for write somethings, I feel that I can speak and write a little in this lenguage so important for mi career and get along in some ocassions. For me, is very important learn english, since although I still don´t learn to speak in a good way, I use this lenguage in a Little ocassions, of course with a lot shame and insecurity, but it has results. Outside of my career, I work in t

The things that i would change of my career

How i sayed in others posts, I studying journalism in the University of Chile, I am finishing the fifth year of the career, my last year and semester of the career. With this I mean that I know all stages that one student have to pass in five years. In five years, i can see a lot things that help to know the functioning of the administration, but also of how is it structured the curriculum map of journalism in the “best” university of the our country. On one hand, this career it is very long and have a lot courses that don´t add news things to our knowledge and this thing is a Little repetitive in a some cases. On the other hand, something that really have to change in our Institute of the Comunication e Image (ICEI), this thing has to do with one integral formation of the journalist that graduate in this place. ICEI don´t form journalist with one integral thought, subjects like history, economy, culture, arts and tecnology, among others, are themes that be left to the academic c